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World's Longest Beach Resort
Cox's Bazar World's Longest Beach
Map of Bangladesh where the world’s longest beach at Cox’s Bazar is located

Cox’s Bazar is Bangladesh’ tourist capital. The locals described it as miles of golden sands, surfing waves, rare conch shells, towering cliffs, colorful pagodas, Buddhist temples and tribes and delightful sea-food.

Tourists in the Beach

Majority of the tourists who visit Cox's Bazar beach come from Britain, America, Japan, Korea, India, Nepal, and Pakistan.

No official records were kept on how many tourists visited Cox's Bazar beach. But reports said that the 10,000 rooms of hotels near the beach were full during December and February. Every February, the Eid-al Adha festival is celebrated in Cox's Bazar. So, many tourists are expected to visit during that month.

Businesses and Sources of Income in the Beach

The main businesses operated in Cox's Bazar are hotels and resorts built near the beach. Hotels that were established in the area ranges from high-end five star hotels to more affordable hotels. Motels, guest houses, travel agencies and other hospitality and customer services have been built.

Pictures of the Cox's Bazar - World's Longest Beach

World's Longest Beach
Aerial view of the Cox's Bazar beach (skyscrapercity.com)

Cox's Bazar
Beachside at Cox's Bazar (wikipedia.org)

World's Longest Beach
Colorful beach chairs and sun umbrellas (skyscrapercity.com)

World's Longest Beach
Beach mobile transport (skyscrapercity.com)

World's Longest Beach
People in the beach (skyscrapercity.com)

World's Longest Beach
Mountain view of the beach (skyscrapercity.com)

World's Longest Beach
A narrow mountain road beside the beach (skyscrapercity.com). This makes the travel attractive where you can see the span of the beach.

World's Longest Beach
A cottage built at Himchari - facing the beach (skyscrapercity.com)

Cox's Bazar is one of the most visited tourist destination in Bangladesh. But it didn't become a major international destination due to lack of publicity.

What can you say about the beauty of Cox's Bazar beach which is known to be the world's longest beach?
Category: Business | Added by: khen | Tags: Resort, beach, business, Longest, World's
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